leads4pass NSE 6 Network Security Specialist NSE6_FWB-6.1 dumps have been updated to include the most popular PDF files and VCE practice exam engine to help you practice with the newly updated NSE 6 Network Security Specialist NSE6_FWB-6.1 exam questions!
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NSE 6 Network Security Specialist NSE6_FWB-6.1 dumps exam questions and answers:
New Question 1:
You are using HTTP content routing on FortiWeb. Requests for web app A should be forwarded to a
cluster of web servers which all host the same web app. Requests for web app B should be forwarded to a
different, single web server.
Which is true about the solution?
A. Static or policy-based routes are not required.
B. To achieve HTTP content routing, you must chain policies: the first policy accepts all traffic, and forwards requests for web app A to the virtual server for policy A. It also forwards requests for web app B to the virtual server for policy B. Policy A and Policy B apply their app-specific protection profiles, and then distribute that app\’s traffic among all members of the server farm.
C. You must put the single web server into a server pool in order to use it with HTTP content routing.
D. The server policy applies the same protection profile to all its protected web apps.
Correct Answer: B
New Question 2:
Under which circumstances does FortiWeb use its own certificates? (Choose Two)
A. Secondary HTTPS connection to the server where FortiWeb acts as a client
B. HTTPS to clients
C. HTTPS access to GUI
D. HTTPS to FortiGate
Correct Answer: AC
New Question 3:
When viewing the attack logs on your FortiWeb, which IP Address is shown for the client when using XFF Header rules?
A. FortiGate\’s public IP
B. FortiGate\’s local IP
C. FortiWeb\’s IP
D. Client\’s real IP
Correct Answer: D
New Question 4:
You are configuring FortiAnalyzer to store logs from FortiWeb. Which is true?
A. FortiAnalyzer will store antivirus and DLP archives from FortiWeb.
B. You must enable ADOMs on FortiAnalyzer.
C. To store logs from FortiWeb 6.0, on FortiAnalyzer, you must select “FrotiWeb 5.4”.
D. FortiWeb will query FortiAnalyzer for reports, instead of generating them locally.
Correct Answer: B
New Question 5:
How does your FortiWeb configuration differ if the FortiWeb is upstream of the SNAT device instead of downstream of the SNAT device?
A. You must enable the “Use” X-Forwarded-For: option.
B. FortiWeb must be set for Transparent Mode
C. No special configuration required
D. You must enable “Add” X-Forwarded-For: instead of the “Use” X-Forwarded-For: option.
Correct Answer: A
New Question 6:
What is one of the key benefits of the FortiGuard IP Reputation feature?
A. FortiGuard maintains a list of public IPs with a bad reputation for participating in attacks.
B. It is updated once per year
C. Provides a Document of IP addresses that are suspect, so that administrators can manually update their blacklists
D. It maintains a list of private IP addresses
Correct Answer: A
New Question 7:
What other consideration must you take into account when configuring Defacement protection
A. Use FortiWeb to block SQL Injections and keep regular backups of the Database
B. Also incorporate a FortiADC into your network
C. None. FortiWeb completely secures the site against defacement attacks
D. Configure the FortiGate to perform Anti-Defacement as well
Correct Answer: D
New Question 8:
Which implementation is best suited for a deployment that must meet compliance criteria?
A. SSL Inspection with FortiWeb in Transparency mode
B. SSL Offloading with FortiWeb in reverse proxy mode
C. SSL Inspection with FrotiWeb in Reverse Proxy mode
D. SSL Offloading with FortiWeb in Transparency Mode
Correct Answer: C
New Question 9:
You are deploying FortiWeb 6.0 in an Amazon Web Services cloud. Which 2 lines of this initial setup via CLI are incorrect? (Choose two.)

A. 6
B. 9
C. 3
D. 2
Correct Answer: AC
New Question 10:
What capability can FortiWeb add to your Web App that your Web App may or may not already have?
A. Automatic backup and recovery
B. High Availability
C. HTTP/HTML Form Authentication
D. SSL Inspection
Correct Answer: D
New Question 11:
When generating a protection configuration from an auto learning report what critical step must you do before generating the final protection configuration?
A. Restart the FortiWeb to clear the caches
B. Drill down in the report to correct any false positives.
C. Activate the report to create t profile
D. Take the FortiWeb offline to apply the profile
Correct Answer: B
New Question 12:
In which operation mode(s) can FortiWeb modify HTTP packets? (Choose two.)
A. Transparent Inspection
B. Offline protection
C. True transparent proxy
D. Reverse proxy
Correct Answer: D
New Question 13:
You\’ve configured an authentication rule with delegation enabled on FortiWeb. What happens when a user tries to access the web application?
A. FrotiWeb redirects users to a FortiAuthenticator page, then if the user authenticates successfully, FortiGate signals to FortiWeb to allow access to the web app
B. ForitWeb redirects the user to the web app\’s authentication page
C. FortiWeb forwards the HTTP challenge from the server to the client, then monitors the reply, allowing access if the user authenticates successfully
D. FortiWeb replies with an HTTP challenge on behalf of the server, if the user authenticates successfully, FortiWeb allows the request and also includes credentials in the request that it forwards to the web app
Correct Answer: A
We strongly recommend that you download the latest NSE 6 Network Security Specialist NSE6_FWB-6.1 dumps from leads4pass.com! Guaranteed to actually pass the exam.
NSE 6 Network Security Specialist NSE6_FWB-6.1 PDf dumps and NSE 6 Network Security Specialist NSE6_FWB-6.1 VCE dumps: https://www.leads4pass.com/nse6_fwb-6-1.html (30 Q&A)
(All objectives of the exam are covered in depth, so you can prepare for any question on the exam)
Supply: Download the latest NSE 6 Network Security Specialist NSE6_FWB-6.1 dumps PDF:https://drive.google.com/file/d/17l7DHMDpTK268VNmiugShndf0DJkxJaO/
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